Here are the presentations for some of the talks I gave in the past (all in PDF format). The parentheses denote the event / seminar in which I gave each talk.
- On the Relationship between Electromagnetic Curvature and Acceleration of Charges (ICNFP2017 - 6th International Conference for New Frontiers in Physics at Crete, Greece) [August 23th, 2017]
- Electrodynamics in the high-acceleration regime (Seminar in UoT at Austin) [November 20th, 2014]
- The Hidden Geometry of Electromagnetism (FiO-LS 2014) [October 23rd, 2014]
- The Hidden Geometry of Electromagnetism (DICE 2014) [September 15th, 2014]
- Nutrino: Closing the Nutrition Loop (The 10th Annual Nutrition Forum at the University of Akron) [February 7th, 2014]
- Probing Radiation Reaction in the High Acceleration Regime (Hebrew University) [January 22, 2014]
- Integrability of the vacuum Einstein equation (Congreso Colombiano de Matematicas 2013) [July 15th, 2013]
- Gravitational Solitons (Grad Colloquium) [August 29, 2012]
- Diagonal Solitons (Integrable Systems Seminar) [April 27, 2012]
- Black holes and Solitons (Recruitment Workshop) [March 6, 2012]
- Zeta Zeros and Quantum Chaos (Grad Colloquium) [May 2, 2012]
- The Life and Work of Leonardo da Vinci (Grad Colloquium) [April 18, 2012]
- Gravitational Solitons (Grad Colloquium) [November 9, 2011]
- Gravitational Solitons on Einstein-Rosen Background (Recent Progress of Waves Processes) [October 9, 2011]
- Gravitational Solitons (Orals Presentation) [May 1st, 2011].pdf
- Symmetries and Differential Equations (Grad Colloquium) [October 20, 2010]
- Inverse Scattering Transform (Analysis Seminar) [September 9, 2010]
- The Problem of Radiation-Reaction (Grad Colloquium) [April 21, 2010]
- Radiation and Acceleration (LMU) [December 7, 2009]
- Radiation and Acceleration - Analytic Solution of the Landau-Lifshitz Equation (LAP meeting Frauenwörth) [October 3, 2009]
- Acceleration and Radiation (LMU) [August 3rd, 2009]
- Numerical Solitons of Einstein's Field Equation (Research Tutorial Group) [December 11, 2008]
- The three talks from September 15th, October 23rd and November 20th in 2014 should have the denominator in the formula for the curvature of a curve containing a cubic. See this Wikipedia article for more info. It doesn't affect any other formulas in the presentations.
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