Gravity and Electromagnetism
This is a term paper I wrote for a course in General Relativity (Fall 2008), taught by Prof. Dimitrios Psaltis. The main goal of this paper is to review the (known!) relationships, the differences and some of the attempts (primarily Kaluza-Klein theory) to unite the most stubborn of all physical concepts: gravity and her younger brother the electromagnetic field. A secondary goal of this paper is to convince the reader that despite a few apparent differences between the two fields, the remarkable resemblance between them cannot be an accident.
A short warning: After studying the original papers by Kaluza and Klein, I found out that the brief review of Kaluza-Klein theory in my paper is not historically exact. The mathematics and physics behind the discussion remain intact (only the historical review requires a modification).
Gravity and Electromagnetism (pdf)
It was almost with a feeling of awe that I went to work, for if the hope [of interrelating gravity and electricity] should prove well founded, how great and mighty and sublime in its hitherto unchangeable character is the force I am trying to deal with...
Michael Faraday
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