We humans made significant breakthroughs in our understanding of Nature. However, most scientists would tell you that there is still more to be discovered than...

Nutrition is the science that interprets how the food we eat affects our health and well-being. I believe the field is ripe to be turned...

Over the last few years Deep Learning was applied to hundreds of problems, ranging from computer vision to natural language processing. In many cases Deep Learning outperformed...

Electromagnetic field lines are as old as electromagnetic theory itself. Practically every physics student learns about field lines as a way to imagine and visualize...

Science made tremendous progress in the last three centuries. We understand the world better and more precisely than we have ever understood it, and the...

In physics, nearly every fundamental theory is based on a single underlying principle. For example, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics are based on the principle of...

The shortest way to describe the problem of radiation reaction is as follows: if an accelerating charge loses energy by emitting radiation, how does this...

נגיעתה מלטפת, חמה ואוהבת מבטה אדמדם, מהפנט כאש היא מגוננת, עוטפת ונפרדת שוקעת לים רב צבעים כמו נוצת טווס אבודה. היא תחכה לרגע הקר ביותר...

This music below (in the YouTube video) is what I had in my mind when I wrote this poem. Under a velvet desert sky I...

It is a strange world. We are attached to a giant rock, rapidly revolving around an immense ball of fire. About this perpetual flame other marble-like...
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