I am looking forward to watch this upcoming film by Shaun Monson: Unity. A movie about the connection between earthlings and nature, about the unity...

Here is a good Nova show about the meteor burst that fell on Siberia. Amazing footage!

A great interview with the philosopher Cornell West about Truth and other related matters (who is a philosopher?).

Here is a great article by V. I. Arnold on teaching mathematics. The synopsis is that Mr. Arnold claims that mathematics should be taught as a...

A problem from class. Fix an function . Define the translation mapping sending . How does one prove that is continuous at ? We begin by...

This is a supplement to one of my analysis discussion sessions. We will now prove a fascinating result in measure theory: there are no -algebras...

This is a joined talk with Jordan Schettler connecting Number Theory and Quantum Chaos. It was given at the graduate colloquium at the math department...
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