This is a supplement to one of my analysis discussion sessions. We will now prove a fascinating result in measure theory: there are no -algebras...

A great talk about nutrition and the health care crisis by the author of the China Study, Dr. Colin Campbell.

Here are some photos from a true adventure: We got to see a bear, had a deer hanging out with us in our campsite for...

This talk is funny, informative, fascinating and surprising. Watch and learn about the leading causes of death in the U.S.A:

Pictures from a short visit to Oregon, including Opal creek, Summit Lake and Portland. | Slideshow = SL | Full Screen = FS |

Amazing 10-minute speech by the philanthropist Philip Wollen. With English subtitles: and with Hebrew subtitles:

A spectacular 3-day backpacking trip to the gorgeous Half Dome with my good friends Itamar and Ilana. | Slideshow = SL | Full Screen =...
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