Mathematics is universal in its application, but united in its foundations. Check out a video that shows this in two minutes. I recommend watching it...

The shortest way to describe the problem of radiation reaction is as follows: if an accelerating charge loses energy by emitting radiation, how does this...

נגיעתה מלטפת, חמה ואוהבת מבטה אדמדם, מהפנט כאש היא מגוננת, עוטפת ונפרדת שוקעת לים רב צבעים כמו נוצת טווס אבודה. היא תחכה לרגע הקר ביותר...

This music below (in the YouTube video) is what I had in my mind when I wrote this poem. Under a velvet desert sky I...

It is a strange world. We are attached to a giant rock, rapidly revolving around an immense ball of fire. About this perpetual flame other marble-like...

A lot of people ask me what are good sources for healthy vegan recipes. There are dozens of vegan blogs out there, of all sort...

1.0 from 1 reviews Print Vegan chocolate souffle Author: Yaron Hadad Recipe type: Dessert Cuisine: French Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins...

I am looking forward to watch this upcoming film by Shaun Monson: Unity. A movie about the connection between earthlings and nature, about the unity...
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